12 Monkeys Uncaged Episode 35 – Night 1 Debrief with Terry Matalas

We got 12 Monkeys showrunner Terry Matalas on the phone to talk about the brilliance of Night 1 of the season 3 linear binge. He’s got plenty to share about the first four episodes of season 3 including exclusive insight on Ramse’s story arc. He also teases what’s to come in the remaining installments.

Join us all weekend for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for Nights 2 and 3, and our special set visit interview clips! Terry and I talk about each of the characters and how they start the night and where they end up by the fourth episode. Terry will be back at the end of season 3 to debrief the rest of the episodes.

Remember to join the 12 Monkeys discussion on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for the latest news and live tweets during the episode.

Tell us what you think about 12 Monkeys!

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